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Communications Policy

Communications Policy

September 2018

1. Purpose
  1. The Company is committed to ensuring that shareholders are provided with relevant, timely and accurate information.
2. Responsibilities
  1. The Managing Director and Company Secretary are responsible for communications with the media and major shareholders.
  2. The Company Secretary is responsible for shareholder communications generally.
3. Continuous Disclosure Regime
  1. The Listing Rules require immediate disclosure to ASX of any information concerning the Company that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price of the Company’s securities. There are limited exceptions to this disclosure requirement.
  2. The Company has in place a detailed Continuous Disclosure Policy, posted on the website, which explains in more detail the requirements of Listing Rule 3.1, the type of information that must be disclosed, and Board and executive responsibilities. The Board determines what is material information and, through the Company Secretary, is responsible for reporting to ASX.
4. Shareholder Communications
  1. After receiving confirmation from ASX that an announcement has been released to the market, Golden Cross will disseminate the information as soon as possible by posting the announcement on the Golden Cross website (within 24 hours after receiving confirmation from ASX), and broadcasting via email and/or fax to major stakeholders and parties that have requested to be entered into the Company’s email distribution list.
  2. The Company’s website contains relevant information on Golden Cross such as:
    • Corporate information;
    • Corporate governance;
    • Company directors and management team;
    • ASX announcements;
    • Annual Reports, Half-year Reports and Quarterly Reports;
    • Presentations;
    • Background information on exploration properties and development projects; and
    • Stockbroking analysts’ research.
  3. All shareholders are sent by mail notices of general meetings and, unless they have requested otherwise, the annual report.

    Adopted by the Board of Directors on 25 September 2018

    Ken Hellsten Chairman
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