- GCHD473, to test extensions to the high-grade drill hole GCHR107 on section 5450N, was completed at 507 metres. All assays have now been received.
- Deep extension: 58 metres at 0.64% copper and 0.68g/t gold from 386 metres
- GCHD474, on section 5300N, was completed on November 6 at a depth of 351 metres. All core has been sawn and half-core samples sent for assay.
GCHD473 has returned average to high grade copper and gold values beneath the substantial intersections in GCHR107 (e.g.107 metres @ 0.61% copper and 1.25g/t gold).
HQ core sample assays have been returned from the ALS laboratory in Orange. Intervals, using a range of copper cut-off grades, are set out below. Assay results are tabulated in full in this report.
Notwithstanding the extensive zone (almost 200 metres) of sheeted veining (quartz magnetite and B-veins) in ‘crowded’ tonalite porphyry the results indicate generally lower grades at depth vertically beneath GCHR107 but one zone, carrying 58m @ 0.64% copper and 0.68g/t gold from 386 metres downhole, indicates potential for a new, deep extension to current resources.