Copper Hill Drilling Update – GCHD471

Copper Hill Drilling Update – GCHD471

  • 65 metres at 0.58% copper and 0.44 g/t gold including 9 metres at 1.2% copper and 1.13 g/t Au
  • Confirms higher grades within a broad 305 metre mineralised zone grading 0.33% Cu and 0.25 g/t gold
  • GCHD472, on section 5400N, completed at 486 metres contains well mineralised intervals. Assays are awaited 
  • GCHD473, to test extensions to the high-grade hole GCHR107, will commence next week using a new, greater capacity, core drilling rig

GCHD471 was completed at 446.9 metres returning high copper and gold grades in the central sections of Copper Hill down-dip from previous drilling.The hole targeted depth extensions of high grades in existing, historic holes and confirms and extends the zones between 50 and 100m down-dip.

PQ and HQ core sample assays have been returned from the ALS laboratory in Orange.
Results, using a 0.4% copper cut-off grade, are set out below and are tabulated in full at the end of this report:


The porphyry copper-style mineralisation occurs within micro-tonalite and tonalite porphyry as laminated quartz-magnetite vein stockwork with chalcopyrite, pyrite and gold.
The central zone from 144 to 209 metres includes a high grade core of 9 metres grading 1.21% copper, 1.13 g/t gold.

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