- Previous zone extended to 60 metres at grades of 1.83% copper and 5.41g/t gold (using a 0.4% copper cut-off) including
- 12 metres at 3.1% copper and 12.0g/t gold and within
- 155 metres at 0.93% copper and 2.5 g/t gold (using a 0.2% copper cut-off)
GCHD470 was completed at 366 metres returning very high copper and gold grades in the upper sections. Assays have been received for all intervals and are reported here.
The hole targeted near-surface mineralisation between existing, historic holes at Central Copper Hill and was extended to test deeper mineralisation indicated by previous drilling.
Core sample assays have been returned from the ALS laboratory in Orange. Results, using various copper cut-off grades, are set out below and are shown in full at the end of this report:
Within the upper zone (11 metres to 71 metres) the porphyry copper-style mineralisation occurs within micro-tonalite and tonalite porphyry as laminated quartz-magnetite vein stockworks with chalcopyrite, pyrite and gold.