Letter to Foreign Shareholders

Dear Non Eligible Shareholder,
Non Renounceable 1 for 1 Rights Issue

Golden Cross Resources Ltd (ASX: GCR) announced to the ASX on 21 October 2013 a non renounceable entitlement Offer allowing Eligible Shareholders to purchase one fully paid New Share in the Company for every one Share held at the record date of Wednesday 30 October 2013 and to apply for Additional Shares. The Issue Price of 0.5 cent per share represents a discount of 16.7% to the weighted average price of the Company’s shares on the ASX in the five trading days up to and including 18 October 2013. The Offer is not underwritten.

The Offer will be extended only to shareholders with registered addresses in Australia and New Zealand. The Company has determined, in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 7.7.1(a) that it would be unreasonable to extend participation in the Offer to shareholders outside of Australia and New Zealand, having regard to the number of Shareholders in those places, the number and value of the new shares they would be offered, and the costs of complying with the legal and regulatory requirements in those places.

Accordingly, as you do not have a registered address in Australia or New Zealand, the Company must advise you that you will not to be extended the opportunity to participate in the Offer. Under the terms of the Offer you are not eligible to subscribe for New Shares and you will not be sent a copy of the Offer Document or a personalised Entitlements And Acceptance Form. A copy of the Offer Document, which was lodged with ASX on 22 October 2013 can be reviewed at www.asx.com.au or www.goldencross.com.au.

The Company has appointed Paradigm Securities Pty Ltd (a Corporate Authorised Representative of Aureus Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 307706) a Nominee pursuant to section 615 of the Corporations Act to receive the rights of shareholders outside of Australia and New Zealand. Paradigm will exercise those rights but will not apply for Additional Shares. Paradigm will sell those shares and distribute to those shareholders outside of Australia and New Zealand their proportion of the proceeds of sale net of expenses.

This notice is to inform you of the entitlement offer and of the appointment of the nominee and its consequences. You are not required to do anything in response to this letter. For further information please contact me, Kim Stanton-Cook (kim@goldencross.com.au), or Simon Lennon (simon@goldencross.com.au) on 9472 3500.

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