HELITEM® & ground Electro-Magnetic (EM) survey results
near Gilgunnia and Nymagee, south eastern Cobar Basin.
Final data has been processed from the HeliTEM survey undertaken by Fugro Airborne Surveys from the Four Mile South – Delaney’s, Burthong, Guapa and Kilparney survey areas withi n GCR’s Rast Group of tenements near Gilgunnia, central NSW. Golden Cross flew 305 line kilometres of HeliTEM over selected areas in conjunction with a larger survey by Joint Venture partner MMG where several significant EM anomalies were located on both the Gilgunnia Range JV and the Wagga Tank JV tenements. See figures and details below. HeliTEM Anomalies within the Rast tenements were followed up with ground EM but no encouraging anomalies were detected.
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