Copper Hill
- Preliminary capital cost estimate studies well advanced
- Mill and Plant Scoping Study with preliminary detailed plans prepared
- Geological Resource: New resource estimate underway
- Metallurgical studies for Mill and Plant throughput options continuing
- Four core holes for 756 metres and 15 RC holes for 1,122 metres
Other Projects
- Drilling at Cargo planned for October
- Drilling planned to test Gawler Craton magnetic-gravity anomalies
- Canbelego – Rosevale: new airborne magnetic survey results are encouraging
Copper Hill
Brisbane-based engineering firm, Calder Maloney Pty Limited, has been retained to complete a Scoping Study of the proposed 2 million tonne per annum mining and mill throughput plan.
The study is very comprehensive and at quarter’s end included a complete equipment list, design criteria and mass balance for the mill and plant flowsheet. A detailed high voltage distribution network for the concentrate plant, mine service area, bore fields and tailings water return has been designed.
Over 50% of the capital cost of the process plant and site infrastructure will be attributable to the crushing, grinding and flotation process to recover copper and gold in concentrate for sale.
A project capital cost estimate is anticipated in the December Quarter.
Following completion of the latest round of drilling, a new Copper Hill geological resource will be estimated and announced in the December Quarter.
Copper Hill – Metallurgy
The current metallurgical test work progress has slowed somewhat as a result of laboratory testing and analytical backlogs but advances continue to be made.
Extensive testing over a range of parameters for the various ore types includes milling parameters, flotation circuit configurations and reagent suites all of which require evaluation to ensure an optimum economic outcome.
For more information, and to download this report in full, please click here