Copper Hill
- Resource increase of 30% at Copper Hill
- 173 million tonnes grading 0.31% copper and 0.26 g/t gold
- Containing 535,000 tonnes copper and 1.47 million ounces of gold
- High copper and gold prices support robust economics at Copper Hill
- Copper Hill Feasibility Study Stage 1 completed
- Stage 2 underway with Whittle Consulting
- Exploration drilling continuing to test extensions to north and south
- Metallurgical drilling completed, samples despatched to Metcon Laboratories
- Oxide zone to be drill tested to define gold distribution; potential for additional gold
- Metallurgical, Geotechnical and Engineering Consultants in place
Other Projects
- Mulga Tank soil sampling program provides drill targets
- Cargo program to test new gold lodes. Drilling rig on order
- Joint Venture progress: Steady progress by MMG at Wagga Tank and Gilgunnia Range near Cobar, Paradigm Metals announces results of drilling at Yellow Mountain, Silver City Minerals Limited and Endeavour
- Minerals Pty Ltd sign separate farm in agreements at Broken Hill
- Comarca elections begin in Panama
- Additional coal permits applied for in Queensland
Read the full release here